It didn't take long, and my first contact was with the biggest moose I have ever seen. I came around a corner and almost made contact but (s)he managed to get to the safety of a side road...

A couple of corners later I got an opportunity to stop and watch this beauty walk across the road. I found a trick of stopping the truck and then starting to move forward when the bear starts walking. This makes him stop and stare for a moment which allows for good photography with minimal stress on both parties...

During the drive it was easy to see the spring/summer season was in full force. The rivers were high with run-off and the grey skies seemed to amplify the light green of the new growth.

Half way down the lake I came across a mother and three cubs. I missed the photo op but decided to try to wait them out. Mom and I stared at each other for an eternity but she won the contest...I gave up and carried on disappointed. I had no idea we would be meeting again...

I finally hit pavement and carried on for the final hour and a half trip to PG. Half way there I noticed a family of ducks on the side of the highway trying to cross the busy road. I turned around and watched for traffic as they finally took the plunge. In reality it would just be pure luck if they made it since we were on a corner and I could not safely stop traffic...

With that bit of drama behind me I carried on to the big metropolis. There I met up with Tasha returning from a visit with her family on Vancouver Island, and after a couple of days of civilization (read: Starbucks and a movie) we returned with the truck loaded with supplies. Adam followed and we made the 7hr trip back to Tsay Keh.
While approaching the same area I had previously seen the mom and cubs we were advised on the logging road radio that there was a bear sighting up ahead. This time we were rewarded with one of the best shows I have seen. It was the same family but this time the cubs felt like tree climbing instead of running so we had all the time in the world to stop and stare...

Soon the highest cub decided to try for the tree can barely him up near the branches.

And we were left with two...

The more adventurous of the two seemed to want to climb also.

But ended up having to take a seat and wait for us to go...

Before long we let them get back to their regular routine, and us to ours. Back to the familiar long and bumpy road...and the quiet and simple life we lead waiting at the end...
1 comment:
Awesome photos Aaron! Those climbing bear cubs are adorable. Great shots of the (merganser?) mum and babies, too! I've yet to see merganser young in the wild...
The other day we saw a mink swim-chasing a wood duck mum with ducklings! It was scary and fascinating at the same time; a very noisy chase, but surprisingly, all the ducks got away. Phew!
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