The grand entrance...

It's official...the sign has been planted firmly in the soil

The first lookers...time for me to go!

Let's head out back

Basement entrance...

Looking into the rec room...

Games room (would be kitchen if suite finished)...

Office (or master bedroom if suite installed)...

Looking from office to laundry through walk-in closet...

Heading upstairs

Spare bedroom...

Master bedroom...


And on to the kitchen and living room...

Well, that's the show...there was positive response from the open house but it remains to be seen if the interest translates to a favourable sale. This is definitely a bitter-sweet time but I keep reminding myself that this house was meant to dissolve debt and put both Tasha and myself on a firm financial footing as we head to the next stage of career and life.
Special thanks goes out to Connor Blakesley for all his fine work on the house. Poor guy is still trying to teach me a thing or two and is still getting that famous blank stare!
Thanks also goes out to Josh for being the original "Demolition Man" and for giving me positive feedback when I needed it the most. And of course thank-you to all the friends and family that have contributed along the way (both financially and physically)...immense gratitude to you all, especially my brother Matt who came to my aid when I needed it the most and put up with me when I was too exhausted to be upbeat.
Tasha definitely deserves recognition for putting up with dry-wall dust for going on 3 years and for assisting greatly at the 11th hour...
The biggest challenges are now over and it is time to recharge the batteries...and of course plan for the big garden party in July! Exact date TBA but will likely be on or around July 8th. Stay tuned...