Obviously the rap video was a high priority of this trip and it was time for us to get busy and shoot some footage. The following pictures represent the journey of two budget-challenged rap stars filming in challenging climactic conditions. Can't wait to feel the heat of the LA sun!

Couldn't get a wardrobe crew together so I helped J-Dog with tweaking the mop

Ah the pain of getting a tattoo

The finished product was looking good...almost time to hit the street at -30

Gotta get the "attitude"

Liam showing his support for the cause

We hit the school first for some indoor shooting...glad to be on the inside looking out

Getting set up

Practicing some groove-spinning

Pre-planning is everything...the storyboard was tight

We moved on to Timmy Ho's for some biting indoor footage

The life of a rap star was beginning to wear on us but amid the turmoil we forged ahead...

Time to hit the road for some more late-night footage

Always time to "unwind"

I tried a little bit of grooving to the I-Dance camera/TV combo. I made a bet to Sarah that I would beat her...

Of course I lost and had to run down the street in the cold of the night in my boxers...

Some last-minute tweaking and it was a wrap...time to hit the editing room.
Stay tuned for the finished product, due for Much Music release hopefully before next winter...special thanks go out to Sarah, Rena and the crew for their patience during the tireless pursuit of our "dream". I would like to say it was worth losing the three fingers to frostbite...